Sunday, December 30, 2012

Douglas participates in Diversity Leaders Initiative

The Florence Regional Arts Alliance's Executive Director, Bruce Douglas, recently completed the Riley Institute of Furman University's Diversity Leaders Initiative held in North Charleston.  As part of the program, Douglas and 7 other Pee Dee area leaders completed a capstone project.  95 North, the team's chosen name (based on that they all had to travel up I-95 North to return home following each of the six day-long sessions held in North Charleston), created a literacy-rich waiting room in the office of Dr. Dante Lewis for their capstone project.  The group enhanced a nationally-acclaimed program, Reach Out & Read, in order to fully implement their project.

Below is the video presentation of 95 North's project:

In addition to Douglas, the 95 North team members are:

Susan Bankson of Florence
Josh Bell of Florence
Octavia Williams-Blake of Florence
Tim Hardee of Sumter
Jack Osteen of Sumter
Sherry Stewart of Summerton
Mia Garrick of Columbia

Christmas in Carolina Video Recap

Check out this video recap of Christmas in Carolina, held on December 8, 2012 at the Florence Little Theatre:

Christmas in Carolina, which featured more than 20 local musicians, was a holiday show unlike any other.  Produced by the Florence Regional Arts Alliance and held at the Florence Little Theatre, Christmas in Carolina was so successful that plans are in the works for the2nd Annual Christmas in Carolina in December 2013.

The Florence Regional Arts Alliance would like to thank the Christmas in Carolina sponsors:

Bazen's Family Restaurant 
Bean Groovy 
The Clay Pot
The Grotto Fine Wine
Southern Hops Brewery
Stefano's Italian Restaurant 
Sundae House
Townhouse Restaurant 
Victor's Bistro
Wholly Smokin' BBQ

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 8th: A Christmas show Florence can call its own

WHAT: Christmas in Carolina: A Hometown Music Show
WHEN: Dec. 8; pre-show reception starts at 6:30 p.m., show follows at 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Florence Little Theatre, 417 S. Dargan St.
COST: $25 for adults; $15 for children 12 and younger.
INFO: For more information or to purchase tickets, visit

Christmas gets an early start in Florence when some of the area’s most popular musicians gather to celebrate the season and raise money for a good cause.

It’ll happen at the the Florence Regional Arts Alliance inaugural holiday music production, “Christmas in Carolina: a Hometown Music Show,” set for Dec. 8 at Florence Little Theatre.

A pre-show reception featuring jazz from The Bobby Roberts Quartet will begin at 6:30 p.m., with the main show following at 7:30pm.

Admission to the pre-show reception is included with the price of the ticket. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres and desserts will be served, and a cash bar will also be available serving wine, beer and gourmet coffees.

Local musician Mark Humphries said he’s been thinking about doing a local Christmas show for years. He just never got around to it until this year.

“I first thought about it years ago while I was watching a Christmas show at the Alabama Theatre,” Humphries said. “I just thought, ‘Why don’t we have something like this in Florence?’ With all the great musicians we have around here, it didn’t make any sense.”

Humphries put the idea on the backburner, then revived it during some conversations with Melanie McMillan and John Baltzell.

“I worked on the Allen Johnson benefit a few years ago with Melanie and John, and that went really well,” Humphries said. “So I pitched this idea and Melanie has a Christmas album, so it just worked. It made sense.”

“Christmas in Carolina” is the story – yes, it’s a concert with a story – of an aspiring young Florence musician (Josh McDowell) who goes to New York to pursue his dreams, leaving behind his girlfriend (Kayley Green). The script was conceived by Francis Marion University theatre professor, Keith Best, and Florence singer-songwriter McMillan. It was inspired by McMillan’s song “Christmas in Carolina,” which was featured on her 2010 album “Joyous Noel.”

The show will be hosted by Lloyd Wilcox and Jai Jai Spann.

In addition to its dramatic elements, the show will feature live musical performances by an all-star cast of Pee Dee musicians including: McMillan, Speakeasy, Allen Johnson, Kevin Smith, The Borrowed Time Band, Ed Clements, Sam Grant, the Chris Brown Combo, Harry McFadden, Rusty Henderson, Suzanne Henderson, Johnny Tanner, John Bazen, Stephanie Fagan, James Scott Bullard & The Late Night Sweethearts, Taylor Nealey, Rebecca Morning Phipps, and Olivia Charnes. Kelley’s Fine Arts Dancers will perform, and Santa Claus (didn’t know he was from the Pee Dee, did you?) is even expected to make an appearance.

“There is a dramatic element used to frame the musical numbers, but it's definitely more of a music show than a play,” said Missy Davis Jones, owner of regional record label Yonder Music. She helped organize the event and put together the roster of musicians.

“It's very much a show about live music,” said Jones. ‘There’s lots of variety from rock to country to jazz. The short skits are charming and just sort of provide the glue for the whole production.”

The event serves as a kickoff and a fundraiser for the newly formed Florence Music Alliance, a new music-focused organization under the umbrella of the Florence Regional Arts Alliance. The Florence Music Alliance will seek to promote opportunities for musical creativity in the region. Proceeds also benefit the Florence Little Theatre.

Buy tickets online by click here.

This story first appeared on and was written by Traci Bridges.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

FRAA Awards 5 Quarterly Grants

The Florence Regional Arts Alliance (FRAA) recently awarded five grants through its Quarterly Grants Program. "We had an outstanding group of applicants and the recipients are definitely very deserving," said Bruce Douglas, Executive Director of FRAA.

The five grant recipients are: Dolores Johnson's Phat Pheet Dance Team of Williams Middle School, the Masterworks Choir, Lake City Community Theatre, Chrissy Thompson of Greenwood Elementary School and the Florence Symphony Orchestra.

"Our Quarterly Grants Program allows us to assist organizations throughout Florence County. We are pleased with the programs and projects we are supporting now and look forward to assisting more organizations and artists in the future," said Quincy Kennedy, President of FRAA.

FRAA's Quarterly Grants Program is partially funded by South Carolina Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as from a generous contribution by the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina. Additional funding is provided by Honda of South Carolina. Since FRAA's Grants Program's inception in 1987, over $250,000 in financial support to individual artists, organizations, teachers, and schools has been awarded. For more information about FRAA's Quarterly Grants Program, click here.

Established in 1984, the Florence Regional Arts Alliance is a community-based non-profit organization that is committed to preserving, supporting, and promoting the Arts in Florence County. Additionally, FRAA strives to promote and strengthen the arts in the region through its online arts marketing initiative, Pee Dee Arts.