Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Through March 15th: FRAA Accepting Arts Awards Nominations

The Florence Regional Arts Alliance is currently accepting nominations for three Florence County awards:  The John W. Baker Distinguished Service Award, The Business & Arts Partnership Award and the Outstanding Arts Organization Award.  

The deadline for nominations is March 15, 2013.  All Baker Award and Business & Art Partnership Award nominees must reside in Florence County.  All Outstanding Arts Award nominees must be based in Florence County.  Award nominations should be submitted by email to peedeearts@gmail.com.  An acceptable nomination will include the following:

Name of Nominee
Name of Nominator
Nominator's Phone Number
Reason for Nomination (approximately one paragraph)

Below are descriptions of each award:

John W. Baker Distinguished Service Award

The John W. Baker Distinguished Service Award recognizes a FlorenceCounty individual who has significantly impacted the quality of life in our community through his/her activities, contributions, and/or accomplishments in the arts.  Any individual may be nominated with the exception of current members of the Florence Regional Arts Alliance Board of Directors or Staff.

Business & Arts Partnership Award

The Business and Arts Partnership Award recognizes a Florence County business for its vital commitment to the arts as evidence by operational and/or project support provided on a substantial and ongoing basis.

Outstanding Arts Organization Award

This award is presented annually to the Florence County arts organization that has the greatest impact on the community.  This may be through programming, projects, resource development, advocacy or other innovation.  No organization may win this award twice in a four year period.

For more information about the Florence Regional Arts Alliance's Awards Program, contact Bruce Douglas at peedeearts@gmail.com.