Saturday, May 25, 2013

14 Florence County Students honored by FRAA & Honda

Each year since 1997, the Florence Regional Arts Alliance (FRAA) has awarded the Excellence in Arts Education Awards to graduating seniors from all over Florence County.  This tradition continued recently with awards being handed out at Lake City High School, West Florence High School, South Florence High School and Hannah-Pamplico High School. 

In all, 14 students received honors in visual art, chours, dance, drama, orchestra and band. The honorees were:

Visual Art

Amanda McDaniel, Lake City
Taylor Crisp, Hannah-Pamplico
Natalie Ard, South Florence
Taylor Eliesee Thompson, West Florence

Tyler Evans, Lake City
Amber Purvis, Hannah-Pamplico
Katie Meixsell, West Florence


Joye Altman, Lake City
Clenishia Woods, South Florence


Kiana Creese, West Florence


Kristin Bowman, Lake City
Alena Isgett, South Florence
Alex Pettigrew, West Florence


Colton Gregg, South Florence

Graduating seniors from each of the seven public high school in Florence County are eligible for the Excellence in Arts Education Awards.  Nominations are made by arts teachers and are based on academic achievement and performance, as well as involvement in school and community-based arts activities.  

The Honda of South Carolina Excellence In Arts Education Awards are part of a broader FRAA Student Recognition Program that includes the Betty Ann Darby Scholarships, two merit awards presented annually to Florence County graduating seniors who will be pursuing advanced academic or professional degrees with majors in an arts discipline or in arts education. 

For more information about the Excellence in Arts Education Awards or any other Florence Regional Arts Alliance initiatives, contact Bruce Douglas at  

Friday, May 10, 2013

Four South Florence High School Students Receive Awards from FRAA

The Florence Regional Arts Alliance (FRAA) recently recognized four outstanding graduating seniors at South Florence High School. Each year since 1997, FRAA has awarded the Excellence in Arts Education Awards to graduates from all over Florence County. This tradition was continued on May 9th as Alena Isgett, Clenishia Woods, Colton Gregg and Natalie Ardwere honored from SFHS.

Alena Isgett was honored for outstanding achievement in band. Clenishia Woods was presented with the award for being the top graduating senior in SFHS’s dance program. Colton Gregg received an Excellence in Arts Education Award for his talent in drama. Natalie Ard was recognized for being the top graduating senior in visual arts. Michele Pridgen, a Board Member for the Florence Regional Arts Alliance and Assistant Manager of Administration at Honda of SC, presented the awards in front of a packed auditorium at South Florence.

Graduating seniors from each of the seven public high schools in Florence County are eligible for the Excellence in Arts Education Awards. Nominations are made by arts teachers and are based on academic achievement and performance, as well as involvement in school and community-based arts activities and performances.

The Honda of South Carolina Excellence In Arts Education Awards are part of a broader FRAA Student Recognition Program that includes the Betty Ann Darby Scholarships, two merit awards presented annually to Florence County graduating seniors who will be pursuing advanced academic or professional degrees with majors in an arts discipline or in arts education.

For more information about the Excellence in Arts Education Awards, Betty Ann Darby Scholarship Program or other Florence Regional Arts Alliance initiatives, contact Bruce Douglas at