On October 23rd at 6:30pm, a great friend of FRAA, Betty Ann Darby, will present “Where did the names of the Florence Schools come from?” as part of Central United Methodist Church's hit series Live @ Central. Please join us at Miss Darby's presentation.
Betty Ann remembers when Circle School became McKenzie School, when Florence Junior High School became Poyner Junior High School and she has many other anecdotes to share. A Florence native, Miss Darby taught in the Florence District I music system for 39 years and will help to fill in some blanks in what we don’t know about the Florence schools in the second half of the Twentieth Century!
For the “Live @ Central” evening, the Program begins at 6:30. There is a dinner at 5:30pm. Cost is $5 for adults and $2 for children.
Reservation for dinner at 843-662-3218.
Betty Ann Darby is the namesake of FRAA's annual scholarship program. Click here for more information about that program.